Start 2021 With a Bang!

2020 has been a year hasn’t it?  Global turmoil and uncertainty.  It’s certainly been a year of change and totally unexpected.  When we entered a new decade there was a lot of talk of 2020 being the year of 2020 vision and in many ways it has been – but I doubt in the way any of us envisaged.

How are you feeling about moving towards 2021 or are you not wanting to look ahead yet?

To celebrate the New Year as a time of new focus and new beginnings I am really excited to be launching a giveaway of one FREE 90 DAY 1:1 COACHING SERIES to 1 midlife woman. (the competition is now over but please read on🙏)

Reflection on 2020

This year has certainly been a strange one.  I’ve had my fair share of wobbles and anxiety but also experienced tremendous personal growth and development.

Amidst all the upheaval I qualified and have been excited to launch my coaching business.  This has been an equal mix of challenge and knowing that I’m doing what really lights me up. It’s a real privilege to witness the progress and change clients have brought to their lives.

I have consolidated practices that I know help keep me grounded and help when I am having an anxious moment or feeling unsettled by everything that has been going on. I’ve really discovered the benefits of meditation, getting out in nature and taking time out when needed.

Lockdown was an experience in itself.  We had a houseful – the 5 of us plus our lockdown lodger (a friend of one of our daughters) who lived with us for 6 months too.  We managed to have some fun times - not least a Come Dine With Me inspired week, where we split into three teams, chose a theme, cooked and I sensible insisted on clearing up too! This resulted in me resigning as chief cook and bottle washer as I felt I was robbed with the result😂😂. Obviously, while missing other friends and extended family.

We certainly enjoyed the slower pace of life for a while and I have commented that in the 9 weeks my husband worked 100% from home we spent more time together than in the 27 years we’ve been married – the good news is we still liked each other😂

The year has demanded we all adapt, change plans, and adjust our way of being. At the beginning of the year I had certainly not envisaged attending a zoom wedding.

Looking Forward

Maybe this year has afforded you the time to really think about what you want from life. The time to re-evaluate. What’s holding you back – is it a lack of confidence? A feeling of uncertainty? A lack of clarity?

When you reach your 40’s, 50’s and beyond it’s simpler to maintain the status quo, there’s no point changing anything, why rock the boat – to stay in the belief you’re fine as you are, even if secretly you long for something different, dream of more.  You may be wondering how unearth you are now in MIDlife – people always say time passes quickly and it can sure feel like that.  I turned 50 in August and one of the things I said was “how?”

BUT MIDlife is just that – MID – we’ve hopefully got many more years to come. 

And if 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that nothing is certain and we need to take action now. 

Time will pass anyway so why not make the change now – make the change and take the action needed to reach your goals, to do what it is  you want to do.  Even if your not fully clear what that is yet!

To gain the confidence to fully participate in and experience your life.  It doesn’t need to be massive life change, it could be to feel more confident in your day to day life. 

A desire to leave the self-doubt and negative self-talk behind. To know that you’re enough as you are, even if there are things you want to change. 

To reach a place of true self-acceptance and self-love.  This, in itself, is life changing.

“The coaching felt collaborative, supportive & enjoyable (even fun). Meeting every two weeks was a welcome pause and reflection on life. Sarah has a gentle way of being, listening and reflecting back what was happening for me.” ”


Grasp the Opportunity

I am excited to be offering this opportunity of a FREE 1:1 Coaching Series to help you do just that.

Take the time and opportunity to evaluate where you are, discover where you want to be and the actions needed to get there.

Take the step and enter this giveaway to gain the support I can give you to make the change. To gain the confidence. To fully own who you are.

This is for you if any of these sound familiar:

  • you want to feel more confident as you.

  • you want to discover what living a fulfilled life looks like for you.

  • you want to live a more balanced life.

  • you want to feel empowered and more able to take part.

  • you want to leave the negative thoughts and self-doubt behind.

  • you want to grow and solidify your self-belief.

  • you want to be kind and nurturing towards your whole self.

I can’t wait to hear from you. 

Click the button for further information and details on how to enter this giveaway. (now directed to info about working with me)

Go on – you’re so worth it!


 “My experience of coaching with Sarah has been life-changing. I feel calmer & at peace. Happier & more content. I am more accepting, grateful & present & my confidence has grown. ”



What do you think is the reason for you not making a change? Is that really it?


Can you find the courage to take the first step?