For the woman who is ready to take her life to the next level.

To confidently create the life she wants.

To live a life with sparkle.

Feel energised, joyful and have more fun!

Ignite your life and take action towards your dreams.


It’s Time To Be Your Unstoppable Self

With one-on-one guidance and group support, you've found a safe place to take up more space, to grab life with 2 hands and everything you desire.





Empower yourself to confidently embrace your life. To love a life that’s more than "fine". I'll teach you:

  • How to clear the thoughts and beliefs keeping you stuck so that you can have the confidence to take steps towards your dreams.

  • How to change your patterns of behaviour by making small changes that compound and transform.

  • Align your vision with your reality by gaining clarity so that you know where you’re heading.

  • Be in action to live how you want to live so that you can be who you want to be, do what you want to do and become UNSTOPPABLE.

It’s time to say YES to you, it's YOUR life.

You so deserve this.

It’s time to embrace your life because you are UNSTOPPABLE!

Over 8-weeks we will take a deep dive into your relationship with self - self-awareness, self-belief, self-confidence, self-care - and how these can help you unleash and discover your true self.

We’ll unpack those beliefs and stories that cause you to stop. You know that voice and those thoughts that make you wonder if you can, if you’re worthy, if you deserve it - by the way, you can, you are and you do!

You’ll uncover the identity of who you want to be and embody her.

You’ll take empowered action to make the shift to the life you desire.

As you learn, integrate the tools, and take the steps get ready to celebrate and welcome in UNSTOPPABLE YOU.


The group sessions are a safe and intimate space where all the women are working towards a common goal - to feel unstoppable and to live a life that reflects this in a way that is bespoke to your needs.

We'll use techniques such as meditation, visualisation, journaling, havening, to deeply connect to your heart and what you truly desire from life.

The focus of the live calls comes from the materials shared each week. During the calls there will be opportunities to share what came up for you and gain support. This sharing is powerful and it is inspiring to hear from others as well as share from your perspective.

I can't wait to get started and witness the transformation you achieve!

"Sarah’s course has been genuinely life-changing, making me think about the root cause of my lack of confidence, and showing me brilliant ways to change my mindset and forge a brighter future”  


"It's been a really lovely space to be in. Everyone's been really supportive and it's been great to hear other people's stories, experiences in their life. It's given me a lot of clarity and I can see more of what I'm capable of and that we're capable of a lot more than we think we are.


“I’m not having to rely on external opinions and learning to really look within for confirmation of who I am and what I can do. The best course of this type I’ve been on.”



If you are ready to take action to uplevel your life, how you feel every day, to ignite your life but a lack of confidence, a lack of self-belief is holding you back.

You know there are things you want to do in life and you are ready to take the action to do them.

You know you're meant for more in you’re life.

You want to say yes, but find yourself saying no, putting the needs of others first.

Well this chapter is CHAPTER YOU!

You’ve got big dreams for your life, yet find you’re putting them on hold as you’re stuck in the life-loop every day.

If so, then UNSTOPPABLE is absolutely the place for you.

I'll help you get clear on the life you want to create. I’ll share techniques for deepening your connection with the self and growing your relationship with you. I’ll support you to get clear on the first steps you can take and to be in action so that you can start implementing the changes you want to make in your life. I'll share tools you can use every day to support you to feel UNSTOPPABLE - about you, your life, your relationships. 

Because it’s not just about the work we do together, it’s about continuing the work beyond Unstoppable as you integrate the tools into your every day life.

Sign up today and watch how the next 8 weeks unfold.



Everyone’s journey is different.

Find the right package for you:

1:1 Option

Upgrade and receive 2 1:1 calls through the course

  • 45 mins 1-1 call at the start/just before the programme starts

  • 1-1 call to be taken before the end of UNSTOPPABLE - 45 mins

  • Pay in Full & Payment Plans Available

  • 1 x £997.00, 3 x £333.00



  • Access to weekly modules

  • Access to live weekly group coaching calls

  • Downloadable worksheets, meditations, visualisations

  • Facebook Group

  • Pay in Full & Payment Plans Available

  • 1 x £597.00, 3 x £199.00



A confidence and empowerment coach. Over the last 10 years or so, my life has transformed beyond recognition. I used to always be in the background, wanting to not be seen, lacking the confidence to try new things and my habitual response to any opportunity was no. I reached the point of knowing I was meant for, and, of wanting more.

I am passionate about self-love and self-acceptance. I work with women for whom "life’s “fine” but they want more - even if they’re not sure what - but a lack of confidence and self-belief is holding them back.  Life’s happening but it’s lacking something.  I facilitate my clients to feel energised, excited and to live their best life. Whether it is a lack of confidence due to limiting beliefs, ageing or body confidence, or feeling stuck in the day-to-day routine of life, I am on a mission to support women to live life to the full, follow their dreams and have the confidence to be boldly themselves, to be unstoppable.

Society may put us in boxes, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there. So let's break free from who we think we should be and start living the fulfilling life we deserve. 

Join me on a journey of growth, self-discovery, and unapologetic confidence.

  • Like anything the more you put into the course the more you'll get out of it. If you take the time to watch the video lessons, do the exercises, attend the calls and implement what you learn your life will transform. If you commit to you, the process and put in the work, you will see results.

  • You can definitely share the details of the course with friends but not the content directly.

  • Each week there are video lessons delivered to the course portal along with some exercises for you to do. Some of these are small daily techniques to use. You should need no more than an hour to go through the lessons. Each group call is for an hour.

  • Whilst I would urge you to prioritize attending the group calls live, I understand that life happens! Each call will be recorded and uploaded to the course portal within 24 hours.

  • A link will be shared giving access to my calendar. It is your responsibility to book the call but if there are problems with availability let me know and we'll work something out.