In a Year from Now

In a Year From Now.....

It’s January 2022 and where do you want to be – other than out of lockdown obviously!


It would be so easy (and understandable) at the moment to feel like life is on hold.  To feel that there’s not a lot of point in planning, setting goals, making changes you want in life.

But life has not stopped.  We are still living.

Yes, it may not be as we want, or as we expected 2021 to start but life is still happening.  Think about how you would normally be thinking at the start of a New Year.  You’d be thinking about what you wanted to do, wanted to achieve, holidays, things you wanted to implement.

And while, like a lot of people, I have found myself easing into this year rather than feeling full of energy and going full bore it would be sad, if not mad, to write off this year already.  I’ve spent some time reflecting on last year and taking forward what I want to celebrate from the year rather than the negatives that it would be easy to focus on.  There were still many things I found that were good, that were worth celebrating, memories to be treasured.


To carry this mindset forward I have set some goals, made some plans, and set some intentions for the year coming.  Bearing in mind that some element of flexibility and adaptation may well be required.  I wrote in my last blog how I’ve settled on “Grow in Flow” as my phrase for 2021 (read more here) so whilst I am focusing on growing – personally and in business I also want to do this with ease.  I will be paying attention to how I’m feeling, taking steps to keep my energy high.  Ensuring more than ever that I am connected to me.

How am I keeping my energy high?

There are various tools I find help me keep my energy high, to help maintain a positive mindset and outlook, while not ignoring what is going on in the world.

Meditation – meditation has proved an invaluable tool over the last 12 months and will continue to be an integral part of my day.  It helps keep me grounded, calm, connected and in flow.

Nature – like many of us, nature provided a balm to anxiety.  I think many of us found a new appreciation and gratitude for the natural spaces around us. Again, I am carrying this forward into 2021.

Connection - it is predominantly online still but I have already got plans afoot to meet up with people as soon as we are able. Relationships have grown and developed this year with people I am yet to meet in real life and then there are others, including family who I’ve seen once this year who I’m looking forward to seeing more regularly. 

Movement – this is something I let slip in 2020 and I’ve noticed a real difference in how I feel physically and energetically because of this.  I have recommitted to regular movement for no other reason than how it makes me feel and for the general well-being benefits.

Dancing – now if you know me this may come as a surprise – not being known for my dancing skills or being particularly light on my feet😂.  This is definitely dancing on my own, behind a closed door, where no one can see! I hadn’t done this until last year when I was on a course over zoom – be assured my camera went off, but I did take part.  What a mood changer and energy transformer it can be, and it has been something I’ve used since then just to shake off how I’m feeling.


What plans can you start making?

Have you set any intentions for the year?

How can you keep your energy high?

How do you want to feel and be?

I would invite you to think about these questions as we move into this year – still with uncertainty but also with hope. 


I do believe it is still important to acknowledge how you’re feeling and not just brush it under the carpet but discover what helps you move through those emotions more quickly and helps you maintain a more positive energy and feeling.

If you are struggling or feel some support would be of benefit, I can help.  Maybe, you’ve spent some time already reflecting on life and thinking about what you want but can’t see what steps to take.  Maybe you’re not sure.  Together we can find out what you truly want from life, how to live a life to the full that makes you excited not simply fine.  Help develop the confidence and self-belief to go after what you want, to let go of the self-doubt and limiting beliefs that keep you stuck and happy to maintain the status quo.

Click here to find out more about working with me or book your discovery call below.

Let’s make 2021 a year to remember for the right reasons.



It's Time to Break Up With "Fine"


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