The Power of Words

“You’ve got a voice like a boy.”

I was 5 when another girl at school said that to me.  The power of words is often underestimated. I can still remember how upset I felt even at that age I can also honestly say that I have been conscious about my speaking voice ever since.  I say speaking because I love singing and have a fairly good alto singing voice:) That comment, at such a young age, made me self-conscious about speaking in class for years and I still dislike hearing my voice on recordings and answer machines etc over 40 years later.

I’m sure she never meant to have such an impact or even ever realized she had – we were 5 after all, but it just serves to demonstrate how powerful words can be whether intentioned or not.

The power of words you say to yourself should not be ignored

In the same way that other people’s words can have a powerful effect on you, so can the words you say to yourself.  It’s not always easy, but we need to strive not to say to ourselves what we wouldn’t say to somebody else.  If we are constantly self-critical then it is easy to succumb to the negative thoughts and self-speak.  I’m not talking about standing in front of the mirror and saying, ” I love you” to your reflection (not my thing) but when you tell yourself you’re rubbish, useless or a failure etc it is not boosting.  If the aim is to learn to value ourselves and our bodies, then this type of language is not constructive or productive.

Be Kind to You

 I have also found that the kinder I am to myself – in my thinking – the greater the results I have had.  Not berating myself for every minor slip up, changing my motivation for exercise, has actually enabled me to push further and achieve more.  Also, it has given me increased confidence to try things I would previously not have attempted for fear of looking stupid, not wanting to draw attention to myself due to my negative self-image and fear of not being able to do it and so on, therefore participating more fully in activities.

What others may be thinking or judging me for, perceived or factual, is far less relevant and I am more at peace with myself and how I look. 

I’m far more likely to be talking about how much I can deadlift, than how much weight I have lost nowadays, and celebrating what my body can do rather than focusing on what it looks like.  As Jessie Mundell says, “aim for peace if not love – acceptance not resignation.”  Just because we are operating from a place of acceptance and peace does not mean we can still not want to progress or change, it’s just approaching it from a different viewpoint, one of kindness.


reflections & Goals 2018